Image source: Singapore Supreme Court

The courts of Singapore and China have jointly published a collection of international commercial cases from both countries to symbolise their deep commitment in the pursuit of mutual understanding of each other’s laws and legal systems.

Titled ‘A Compendium of Singapore–China International Commercial Cases Curated for their Relevance to the Belt and Road Initiative‘, the book was launched by Singapore’s Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon and President & Chief Justice of China’s court Zhou Qiang during the 4th Singapore-China Legal and Judicial Roundtable which was held virtually on Monday (30 Nov).

According to Singapore’s Supreme Court in a statement yesterday, the Compendium – which are relevant to China’s Belt and Road Initiative – is the culmination of a dedicated team effort by a panel of editors as well as expert commentators from Singapore and China, coordinated by the Singapore Judicial College and the China National Judges College.

“There are also plans to make this available in the public domain as an invaluable introduction to learn more about, and to explore the commonalities between the commercial laws of Singapore and China,” the statement read.

During the Roundtable session yesterday, both countries renewed their commitment to work together to advance access to justice in their respective jurisdictions amid the challenging circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Roundtable kicked off with a bilateral meeting during which the two Chief Justices had a frank and constructive discussion to deepen existing joint initiatives and explore new areas of cooperation in areas of mutual interest,” said Singapore’s Supreme Court.

Both judges also exchanged insights in various areas, such as the challenges posed to the courts and the profession brought by COVID-19, how to unify the legal application standards through similar cases and precedents, the application and limitation of general legal principles in international commercial disputes, as well as the court procedural rules relevant to BRI.

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